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Thesis Writing Skills for the Newbies - 2021

So, you are a newbie writer? Well, I am pretty sure that you have no idea what to do in your thesis. Not a problem, though.

That’s right. If you don’t know how to write your paper, then let me tell you that the first step in thesis writing is determining a direction for your research topic. You have to come up with a thesis statement that you can support throughout your paper. Then, your thesis paper begins.

But how to do that? Well, any normal person would hire a cheap essay writing service for help. But if you don’t wanna do that, then just follow the tips below. You will be just fine then.

Tip #1: Where Does the Thesis Statement Go?

Yeah, so most people know that a thesis statement is a single statement but not where to put it.

Let me tell you that a thesis statement is usually written at the end of the introduction. Your first paragraph will introduce your topic, and its last sentence will be the thesis.

Tip #2: What Kind of a Paper Is This?

It is the question that you will need to ask yourself. Are you writing a persuasive essay? A compare and contrast one or a problem-solution essay?

No. You are writing a thesis. A dissertation.

So, you can’t write this like an argumentative essay with a central point and three reasons to support it. Nope. You need to follow a different format.

Tip #3: Take a Stand

Whatever your paper may be, remember this. An essay writer always takes a stand. Always. So, when you select your topic, make sure that you have something to defend.

For example, you can say that your thesis is about the need for the electoral college.

Here, you are taking a stand FOR the electoral college.

Tip #4: A Narrow Stand

Your thesis can’t be too broad. You can’t say that you are going to talk about the electoral college. Nope. You need to tell your audience what aspect of the electoral college you will address.

So, in the case of the electoral college, you pick a particular aspect.

Then you explain your point of view.

Tip #5: Specifics are Important Too

If you are in favor of the electoral college, then tell me why. And don’t respond with “It's a good institution.” No. That’s vague. You can’t even write that in an essay, much less a dissertation.

Your reasons should be like, “The Founding Fathers formed it to protect democracy.” Now, you explain this in your body paragraph, with sources.

Tip #6: The “So What?” Test

It is a complicated test.

So, you have a thesis. Why should anyone care? Do you think that the electoral college is important? So what?

That’s your test. That is the question you will have to answer before you select a thesis.

If your topic is not worthy of consideration, then you have a problem. So, select a strong topic.

Tip #7: Is it Challenging?

Choose a strong and challenging topic. No one wants to read a thesis on global warming anymore. Or abortion. Or gun control. It has been done too many times. We all know that these are worthy causes.

Pick something new, like Trump’s impeachment.

No one will have written a thesis on that yet, so you can impress your professor with a brand new idea.

Figured it out yet?

I bet you have. But if not, then you still have time to get in touch with an essay writing service. Professional writers can help you figure out how to create a thesis statement and how to write a thesis paper.

Once you have a professionally written paper in your hand as an essay writer, all your troubles will fade away. Poof!

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