The newer second-generation obesity medications are yielding weight losses beyond what has typically been achieved with lifestyle interventions alone, including assisting in the management or prevention of obesity-related diseases. These benefits are making the use of these medications extremely popular. For a variety of reasons, from rapid weight loss, medication side effects, loss of excess lean body mass, titration challenges, micronutrient deficiencies and more, there is a critical need for the integration of the RDN to optimize short- and long-term clinical outcomes with individuals taking a newer obesity medication. However, the role of the RDN and the nature of traditional lifestyle intervention is changing.
In the absence, at this early stage, of well researched, evidence-based clinical recommendations in this area, RDNs delivering obesity and diabetes care can share their clinical experience and expertise and help build consensus around the topics detailed above. In addition, RDNs working in this area can offer RDN colleagues practical information on patient selection, nutrition assessment and nutrition-focused physical exam, shared decision making, dosing and titration best practices, lifestyle components, and helping patients set realistic expectations.
Join obesity management expert Beth Czerwony, MS, RD, CSOWM, LD, and Mary Lou Perry, MS, RDN, CDCES, a diabetes and obesity expert, to discuss these topics and more on the second of this three-part webinar series. Beyond the clinical and behavioral aspects of use are the challenges of access to medications, comprehensive obesity care and stigma. Jeanne Blankenship, MS RDN, VP, Policy Initiatives and Advocacy at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics will address these topics and provide an update on the Academy's efforts in Washington, D.C.